Colorado company moves to Tucson to partner with UA

November 3, 2014

By hammersmith

Teleost Biopharmaceutical, a company based on an invention developed at the University of Arizona to help prevent skin cancer, is moving its headquarters from Boulder, Colo., to Tucson to partner long-term with the original UA inventors of the technology.

The invention is a peptide that helps humans to produce photo-protective melanin as a natural prevention against skin cancers. It was developed by the Hruby Peptide Group at UA, one of three groups beings considered for the 2014 Arizona Governor’s Celebration of Innovation award for Innovator of the Year.

UA licensed the invention to Teleost in September 2014 with the help of Tech Launch Arizona, the UA group dedicated to commercializing inventions that emerge from UA research.

Teleost was started in 2014 with the goal of developing products to help protect against and treat skin maladies.

For more information:

UA connection draws biopharm business to town,”  KGUN, 10/29/14

Biopharm company moves to partner with UA,” Tech Launch Arizona, 10/20/14