Two large-scale Phase 3 COVID-19 vaccine trials are enrolling participants at multiple sites in the Phoenix area and Tucson with hope the late-stage trials will lead to an approved vaccine by early next year. Free testing is being offered, including the Arizona State University saliva-based COVID-19 test, while Arizonans are being encouraged to respond to a contact tracer to help slow the spread of the new coronavirus.
‘No guarantee, just hope’: Phase 3 COVID-19 vaccine trials are launching in Arizona / Arizona Republic
Tucson research clinic recruiting participants for COVID-19 vaccine trial / Arizona Daily Star
ASU’s saliva-based COVID-19 test expands testing in Arizona / State Press
Another free COVID-19 testing site to open in Tucson / Arizona Daily Star
Why masks with breathing valves don’t stop spread of new coronavirus / Arizona Republic
Arizona takes steps to reduce COVID-19 patient bottleneck in hospitals / Arizona Republic
Autopsies show coronavirus can infect middle ear / KJZZ
High stress, loss of routine slow return to normal from coronavirus / Arizona Public Media
University of Arizona requires antigen testing for fall 2020 / KJZZ
Matrix Medical hiring 1,000 health professionals to keep up with employers’ Covid-19 needs / Phoenix Business Journal
New blood test shows great promise in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease / Science Daily
Banner Alzheimer’s Institute plays a lead role in an international study that showed a blood test may be able to detect Alzheimer’s disease as early as 20 years before the onset of cognitive impairment.
Read more: Highly accurate Alzheimer’s blood test a ‘breakthrough,’ observers say
Arizona Technology Council appoints UArizona tech parks leader to board / Phoenix Business Journal
The Arizona Technology Council has appointed to its board of directors Carol Stewart, associate vice president of Tech Parks Arizona for the University of Arizona which generates an economic impact of $2 billion annually for the state.
ASU Practice Labs creating talent pipeline for modern industry / Chamber Business News
The Practice Labs program at Arizona State University, which partners top students with corporations and government agencies to advance prototypes, product development, and other design projects, is gaining traction as a talent pipeline for modern industry.