Here’s the 32 startups still competing in Venture Madness biz competition / Phoenix Business Journal
The competing startup list has been chopped in half for the third annual Venture Madness early-stage business challenge, with Invest Southwest and the Arizona Commerce Authority naming the 32 companies who still have a chance at the $100,000 shared prize.
SCC to host talks as part of AZ SciTech Festival / Scottsdale Independent
Scottsdale Community College will host speakers on two evenings as part of the 2016 Arizona SciTech Festival during the “Leap Into the Future Days” event that will discuss mathematics, computing, diseases, big data, and nanotechnology.
UA Phoenix medical school dean a finalist for Texas post / Arizona Republic
Dr. Stuart Flynn, the University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix dean, has been named one of four finalists to head a medical school being formed by Texas Christian University and the University of North Texas. Read also: UA College Of Medicine-Phoenix dean named finalist for new Texas medical school
Buyout of Tucson tech startup brings big hitter to town / Arizona Daily Star
The multimillion-dollar sale of Instant BioScan, a Tucson-based tech startup that makes microbial-detection systems for water, has brought Mettler-Toledo International, a Swiss-based major multinational tech company, to Tucson.
Study: Two Arizona cities crack top 20 for best places to find jobs in 2016 / Cronkite News
Scottsdale and Chandler made the top 20 in a listing of towns with a promising employment outlook in 2016, according to a national report, in part because of big employers in health care and biotech.