Banner Alzheimer’s Institute in Phoenix and Novartis, a Swiss pharmaceutical company, announced a partnership to test two experimental drugs on symptomless older adults who are at a high risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease.
The five-year trial will involve more than 1,300 adults ages 60 to 75 without symptoms, but who carry two copies of a gene, called APOE4, that puts them at greater risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease. The trial will begin in 2015 at about 60 sites in Europe and North America, including Banner Alzheimer’s Institute in Phoenix.
Novartis will offer two of its experimental drugs as part of the trial—a vaccine and oral medication—that are intended to stop the accumulation of amyloid protein in the brain, in some cases before the accumulation even begins. This will test the theory that Alzheimer’s disease can be prevented or delayed with early treatment.
The study will be funded in part by a $33.2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health and more than $15 million in philanthropic and in-kind contributions by the Banner Alzheimer’s Foundation.
For more information:
“Two new Alzheimer’s drugs studied in Phoenix,” Arizona Republic, 7/15/14
“Novartis plans Alzheimer’s study in symptomless patients,” Bloomberg Businessweek, 7/15/14
“Banner Alzheimer’s Institute announces partnership with Novartis in new study of Alzheimer’s prevention treatments,” Banner Alzheimer’s Institute, 7/14/14