[Source: UA News] – Amanda Urbina started her junior year last week, but she already finds herself at the forefront of biomedical science – not as part of a required class, but participating in an actual research project.
“My research focuses on regenerating cartilage damaged by injuries that lead to osteoarthritis,” said Urbina, who since her freshman year has worked in the laboratory of John A. Szivek, director of orthopedic research at the Arizona Arthritis Center in the University of Arizona’s College of Medicine.
“I work with adult stem cells derived from the fat tissue of patients, which can be transformed into cartilage cells and placed back into a patient’s joint,” Urbina said.
Participating in research offers many benefits, said Glenda Gentile, who heads the Office of Undergraduate Research, housed in the UA’s College of Science.
For more information: For Aspiring Undergrad Researchers, UA is the Place to Be