[Source: Betty Reid, Arizona Republic] — For the first time, a school in Phoenix Union High School District topped the best AIMS math test results among high schools in the Valley. Bioscience High School, which had its first group of 10th-graders take the AIMS test last spring, led the pack with 97 percent of its students passing the math portion on their first try. In comparison, only 54 percent of 10th-graders in Phoenix Union passed the AIMS math test.
“We poured all we learned into the AIMS math test,” said Samantha Enriquez, a junior at Bioscience High School. “I hope a lot of people and students will realize now that our method works. The school is a hidden gem in Phoenix.”
Officials also said sophomore scores at Bioscience are the second-highest performing in high schools in Arizona. University High sophomores in Tucson scored 100 percent. [Note: To read the full article, click here.]