Arizona biotech draws attention of ‘NY Times’

February 5, 2005

By hammersmith

Arizona’s efforts to become a regional force in biotechnology got national press coverage in a recent edition of the New York Times. The article, “Phoenix moves to put itself on biotechnology map,” in the technology section of the national daily, highlighted the future Phoenix medical school and the Translational Genomics Research Institute, among other things.

Citing Arizona’s Biosciences Roadmap, commissioned in 2002, as a prime motivating factor in the state’s push to put itself on the biotech map, the Times article lauded the high volume of collaboration among institutions and civic and private fundraising that has been done so far. The courting of TGen researchers to call Arizona home and a high level of inter-university cooperation were also mentioned as selling points on Arizona’s biotech future.

The article acknowledged that Arizona has a long way to go, as it is not yet rated among the top tier biosciences locales, and faces stiff competition from a large number of states and urban areas across the U.S. vying to attract biotech researchers and start-up companies.

But the Times reporter concluded that Arizona’s demonstrated collaborative spirit, specialized genomics industry, and affordable housing market could give the Grand Canyon State an edge in the increasingly competitive field.

For more information:

Phoenix moves to put itself on biotechnology map,” New York Times, 02/02/2005