Phoenix company set to launch early-detection lung cancer blood test
8/19/14 | Phoenix Business Journal | Angela Gonzales
Will Gartner–who developed the early-detection breast cancer and Alzheimer’s blood tests and later sold those businesses–is close to launching a new blood test for the early detection of lung cancer with his company, Global Cancer Diagnostics Inc.
Banner MD Anderson testing drug to fight BRCA-associated breast cancer
8/19/14 | Phoenix Business Journal | Angela Gonzales
Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center in Gilbert is enrolling patients with hereditary breast cancer for a study to test the safety and effectiveness of a new investigational drug to fight BRCA-associated breast cancer.
Meet the UA College of Medicine Class of 2018
8/19/14 | Arizona Daily Star | Stephanie Innes
One hundred and fifteen students are in the University of Arizona College of Medicine-Tucson class of 2018, including 75 Arizona residents, 33 UA graduates, and 25 students who hold graduate or professional degrees.
New TUSD program gives biotech students leg up
8/19/14 | Arizona Daily Star | Alexis Huicochea
About 240 students from Pueblo and Tucson high schools will take part in a new Biotech Pipeline effort to gather information on nearly two dozen local biotech businesses, conduct interviews to make career connections, learn what companies are looking for, and how that connects with what they are learning in the classroom.
Logan LaPlante, 14, shares his ‘hackschooling’ mind-set as AZ Innovation Summit keynote
8/19/14 | Phoenix Business Journal | Hayley Ringle
Logan LaPlante, 14, who is introducing the world to “hackschooling,” spoke about his unique background as the keynote speaker last week at the Arizona Innovation Summit in Scottsdale organized by the Arizona Commerce Authority, Arizona SciTech Festival and MIT Enterprise Forum Phoenix.
St. Joseph’s Hospital a new option for kidney transplants
8/18/14 | Arizona Republic | Kyle Mittan
A new kidney-transplant program at Phoenix’s St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center became the fifth one in the state, providing another option for patients waiting for the most-needed transplant organ in the world.
Arizona STEM workforce surging, but at different paces
8/15/14 | FoxBusiness | Staff Report
A study from the Brookings Institute found job openings for STEM fields are going unfilled in Tucson because the population lacks proper training, yet several different organizations have introduced programs dedicated to encouraging young people–and especially young girls–to explore these fields.
17,154 quality new jobs and counting
8/14/14 | Arizona Republic | Sandra Watson & Todd Sanders (Op-ed)
Arizona is not only surviving post-recession, but we’ve been put on a solid path to thrive in a new global marketplace that rewards knowledge, innovation and entrepreneurialism.