Biozona Weekly: Keim comments on flu-study controversy; PCH, ASU work on electrode implant; 2011 Roadmap progress

January 3, 2012

By hammersmith

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(“Commitment,” the Flinn Foundation’s recently released annual report, is now available online.)

Call to censor flu studies draws fire
1/3/2012 | Nature | Heidi Ledford

“I don’t like to scare people,” says microbiologist Paul Keim. “But the worst-case scenarios here are just enormous.”

Keim, who chairs the US National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB), is reflecting on its unprecedented recommendation to censor two scientific papers describing how to make a more transmissible form of the H5N1 avian flu virus.

Technology holds promise for paraplegics, others with limited movement
12/31/2011 | Arizona Republic | Ken Alltucker

While neurosurgeons conducted surgery for Lizzeth Davila’s epilepsy, they implanted electrodes along the surface of her brain and tracked activity as she moved a cursor for a video-game-like device. The brain-computer interface technology could one day be used to help people with limited mobility regain their movements, said David Adelson, a Phoenix Children’s Hospital neurosurgeon who is conducting the experiment with Arizona State University researchers.

My View: The real winners don’t compete, they work together (Op-ed)
12/30/2011 | Phoenix Business Journal | Robert Green

Competition is human nature, and it has its place. In the right venue, competition brings out the greatest potential. But the world changes and so do those venues. The winners in this new world order are those who join forces to meet the challenge. A prime example of the success of collaboration is my industry: the biosciences.

Tracking the developments on Arizona’s Bioscience Roadmap
12/30/2011 | Phoenix Business Journal

Arizona’s Bioscience Roadmap, commissioned and coordinated by the Flinn Foundation, calls on the state to focus on four strategies to develop a globally competitive bioscience hub. Here are those strategies and selected developments within each since the beginning of 2011.

Bioscience on the rebound
12/30/2011 | Phoenix Business Journal | Linda Obele

Individuals close to the industry say biotech’s relative strength through the economic downturn is evidence that the state was right to identify the sector as one of the new economic drivers. Now the challenge for future success is twofold: attracting more funding and talent to Arizona, and helping speed technology from research labs to the marketplace so companies can become more self-sustaining.