Goals, Strategies, and Actions

Goal 4: Connectivity

Promote Arizona to economic partners in neighboring states, Canada, and Mexico as a place where bioscience research, health care delivery, and commercialization seamlessly intersect

Strategy 4A:

Develop a consistent statewide strategy to form linkages of universities, private research institutes, firms, investors, and entrepreneurs in key target markets, such as Utah, Washington, Oregon, Southern California, Mexico, and Canada; these close connections can help Arizona become recognized as the key center to turn research into practice, form firms, develop products, run clinical trials, and seamlessly deliver health prevention and treatment from development to delivery

  • Actions
    Develop a coordinated effort among the bioscience community to raise the visibility of Arizona biosciences and health outcomes in key target locations where capital and scientific collaborators are located
    Identify the key supplier assets Arizona offers, or needs to offer, to make these strategic linkages stronger and be able to attract investment, firms, and expansions to Arizona
    Establish an informal targeted plan for bio-related deals to use the Arizona Commerce Authority deal-closing fund, particularly in ways that reinforce target location relationships and brand Arizona on its successes and unique attributes
    Increase knowledge and visibility to non-bioscience industries and the public within Arizona of the opportunities and linkages to bioscience and health outcomes
    Increase Arizona’s bioscience visibility nationally and globally among large firms, investors, suppliers, research-performing institutions and others in select target areas to position Arizona as the center that integrates these efforts

Strategy 4B:

Encourage creative private-public partnerships and financing mechanisms to address needed infrastructure investments such as research facilities, spec multi-tenant facilities, incubators, accelerators, research park developments, additional biomedical anchors, and shared core laboratories and prototyping facilities

  • Actions
    Educate and inform developers on space needs and requirements of the bioscience industry
    Undertake a study of space needs of Arizona’s public universities to accommodate projected research in the coming decade, and develop a consolidated capital budget plan
    Develop private-public options to finance research facility needs, such as underutilized current assets and state-owned lands
    Explore creation of a statewide revolving-loan bioscience facilities fund