By Nancy Welch
Arizona Center for Civic Leadership
I am naturally curious. I like learning how people use their time and talents and why things work the way they do. For those with an interesting or extraordinary accomplishment, I especially want to know “How did you do that?”
Years of public-policy work and with Flinn-Brown Fellows have provided a great vantage point for observing why some people and processes are successful and what sets them apart.
Achieving state-level civic leadership
When I decided to create a tool that would help Flinn-Brown Fellows achieve state-level civic leadership, I started to reflect on all of the answers to that basic question: How did you do that? Bolstered by the input and encouragement of others, I wrote down the attributes and actions that many civic leaders seem to share. I also thought about how a checklist could shorten the time others need to master them.
Strong Foundations for Achieving Civic Leadership is the result. It is clear and concrete—as you can see in the excerpts above—with tools and how-tos for you to assess where you are, build on your strengths, and take action.
Where can you find Strong Foundations?
While not a secret, Strong Foundations is currently distributed only to Fellows in the Flinn-Brown Network, which includes more than 300 Arizonans who have been competitively selected for the Flinn-Brown Fellowship. This unique statewide institution was created by the Flinn Foundation and Thomas R. Brown Foundations to expand the cadre of Arizona leaders with the knowledge, skills, and commitment to address the state’s long-term issues—and do so by working across perspectives.
Strong Foundations focuses on seven building blocks:
- Personal Brand
- Calculations
- Leadership and Management
- Influence
- Promoters
- Networks
- Knowledge
These complement the Flinn-Brown standards for what civic leaders should know and have and be able to do. Plus, it lays out the important steps to specific state-level positions.
Future Flinn-Brown Fellows
Strong Foundations has already led to some “Aha!” moments for Fellows and could do the same for you.
If you want to help make Arizona a better place by learning more, being part of an active Network, and working with others from all walks of life and perspectives, Flinn-Brown should be your next step—and Strong Foundations can help you reach your goals.