[Source: NACET] – Flagstaff and the Northern Arizona Center for Emerging Technologies (NACET) are soon to be home to a molecular diagnostics development company, PathoGene. This venture is being championed by top tier scientists, successful laboratory managers and experienced biotech executives who are using Northern Arizona University (NAU) and TGen as a launching pad for building a successful business. The founders and management team all call Flagstaff their home… and intend to keep it that way.
PathoGene develops novel molecular diagnostic assays to improve the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases. The goal is to help control the spread of life-threatening “super bugs” and to improve outcomes once patients become infected. This should lower the overall cost of healthcare and save lives currently being lost to infectious diseases. Lofty ambitions perhaps but PathoGene believes they are well within reach.
For more information: NACET New Home to PathoGene