Paradise Valley Hospital advances healthcare through research collaboration

July 6, 2009

By hammersmith

[Source: PRLog.og] – If you’ve ever wondered how medical treatments are developed, advanced and ultimately standardized; it’s through research and testing protocols. To fully appreciate medical advances, one must look to working hospitals and practical applications of advanced medicine.

Steve Sisto, CEO of Paradise Valley Hospital in Phoenix, Arizona sought to improve the level of care at PVH, but also to work with leaders in the medical community to ensure every patient has the best possible outcome. “We enthusiastically welcomed collaboration with Precision Trials, a local clinical research company to offer an opportunity to collectively advance our knowledge base,” Sisto said. PVH is co-sponsoring a meeting to introduce community physicians to clinical trial opportunities and has invited the Director of Healthcare Innovation & Clinical Trials from Arizona State University to discuss community collaboration in clinical research in the Valley.

For more information: Paradise Valley Hospital Advances Healthcare Through Research Collaboration