Southern Arizona following Flinn roadmap to biosciences gold
4/17/14 | Inside Tucson Business | Opinion (Jacquelyn Jackson)
The Flinn Foundation recently released an update of a strategic plan to build the bioscience industry in Arizona, and Southern Arizona is geared up and ready to continue its prominent role to make Arizona’s Bioscience Roadmap work.
Top jobs of 2014 heavy in math and science
4/16/14 | Phoenix Business Journal | Angela Gonzales
Mathematician outscored all other professions on CareerCast’s 2014 Jobs Rated Report at a time when Arizona is working to increase STEM education to prepare students for knowledge jobs.
Phoenix pushes higher education for downtown
4/15/14 | Arizona Republic | Eugene Scott
The profile of higher education in downtown Phoenix has increased significantly in the past month, a trend city leaders would like to continue.
How one family may raise hope for all Alzheimer’s patients
4/13/14 | CBS News | Mo Rocca
CBS Sunday Morning visits Colombia to report on a study led by Dr. Eric Reiman of Phoenix’s Banner Alzheimer’s Institute featuring an extended family prone to Alzheimer’s disease.
How to grow Arizona’s bioscience industry
4/11/14 | Arizona Republic | Into the Mind (Jack Jewett)
Jack Jewett, President and CEO of the Flinn Foundation, talks about Arizona’s Bioscience Roadmap, its update through 2025, and how to grow the biosciences in the state.
Saving money, improving lives–investing in medical innovation is a smart budget decision
4/11/14 | Arizona Capitol Times | Guest Opinion (Joan Koerber-Walker)
While there are many opinions on the best way to address the health care challenges we face locally, nationally, and globally, life science innovation may be our best bet for bending the cost curve down today and promises even greater savings in the future.
Phoenix clinics tailor programs for Parkinson’s patients
4/11/14 | Arizona Republic | Ken Alltucker
Clinics such as the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center at Barrow Neurological Institute are tailoring programs, crafting treatment and conducting research that seek to limit potential ill effects from the disease, including memory decline.
Mayo Clinic partners with Ireland to fund medical research
4/11/14 | KTAR | Mark Remillard
An Arizona doctor is working on rolling out a new medical device with the help of a partnership between the Mayo Clinic and Ireland’s enterprise development arm.
Tucson-based biotech firm to raise $45M stock-rights offer
4/8/14 | Arizona Daily Star | David Wichner
Tucson-based Accelerate Diagnostics Inc. has launched a $45 million offering of stock-purchase rights to existing shareholders to help fund commercialization of its technology to rapidly detect and identify infectious pathogens.
Flagstaff’s STEM draws 4,000 attendees to Skydome
4/4/14 | Arizona Daily Sun | Michelle McManimon
About 4,000 people attended the inaugural Flagstaff Community STEM Celebration hosted by Flagstaff Unified School District at Northern Arizona University’s Walkup Skydome, which featured most of the city’s schools as well as interactive displays from dozens of businesses.
Phoenix moves closer to developing Arizona Biomedical Corridor near Mayo Clinic
4/3/14 | Phoenix Business Journal | Angela Gonzales
The city of Phoenix approved new revenue bonds to finance Mayo Clinic’s new proton beam radiation therapy center in north Phoenix, as well as a two-year extension to continue working with Mayo and Arizona State University to develop the Arizona Biomedical Corridor.