Flinn-Brown FAQs

Eric Reiman, M.D., executive director of Banner Alzheimer’s Institute, director of the Arizona Alzheimer’s Consortium, and chair of the Flinn Foundation Board of Directors, speaks at the 2023 Flinn-Brown Civic Leadership Academy. Joining Dr. Reiman in conversation are facilitators Beth Kohler, Rebecca Rios, and Stan Barnes.
Eric Reiman, M.D., executive director of Banner Alzheimer’s Institute, director of the Arizona Alzheimer’s Consortium, and chair of the Flinn Foundation Board of Directors, speaks at the 2023 Flinn-Brown Civic Leadership Academy. Joining him in conversation are facilitators Beth Kohler, Rebecca Rios, and Stan Barnes.
  • Who is selected to be a Flinn-Brown Fellow?
    Flinn-Brown Fellows are experienced civic leaders from across Arizona with broadly diverse perspectives, politics, and policy interests. Fellows are experts in their fields and are leaders in Arizona’s urban, rural, and tribal communities. They represent sectors of Arizona’s economy from business and industry to nonprofit and government. The Flinn-Brown Fellowship targets individuals working to address Arizona’s most challenging issues who want deeper knowledge and experience, a connected, diverse network, enhanced leadership skills, and a collaborative atmosphere.  
  • What are the benefits of the Flinn-Brown Fellowship?
    The Flinn-Brown Fellowship provides opportunities for civic leaders from throughout Arizona to expand their knowledge, skills and networks to help address Arizona’s long-term issues. The Flinn-Brown Fellowship offers unparalleled learning through the Flinn-Brown Academy with a cohort, skill-building workshops, and the annual Flinn-Brown Convention. Fellows connect with top state leaders and policy experts. 
  • What are the benefits of joining the Flinn-Brown Network?
    Flinn-Brown provides personalized long-term support for all Fellows and encourages participation in the Flinn-Brown Network through skill-building workshops and the annual  Flinn-Brown Convention. The Flinn-Brown Network is a powerful body of 465 Fellows who provide support to one another. 
  • What are the application requirements?

    In addition to biographical information, the 2024 application included essay prompts regarding the applicant’s leadership experience, public policy interest, civic-leadership goals, how they plan to utilize the Flinn-Brown Network, their perspectives on today’s political climate and the role of state government, and a favorite quote. Applicants also submitted two letters of endorsement, a current resume, and a 20-second introductory video regarding their interest in the Flinn-Brown Fellowship. In addition, applicants were required to confirm their ability to attend all Academy sessions, and candidates who qualify for an interview must submit an employer approval form completed by the candidate’s employer. The 2024 Fellows were announced in May.

  • How do I learn more about the application process?

    There were both in-person and virtual information sessions throughout January and February 2024 where potential applicants learned more about the program and application process. More information is available in this PowerPoint presentation. Subscribe to our emails to stay updated on the 2025 application process.

  • Who is ineligible to apply?

    The Flinn-Brown Fellowship is not intended for those who are or have been state-level elected officials or paid staff members of a political party.

  • Is there an interview process?
    Yes. A limited number of applicants are selected for an in-person interview with the Flinn-Brown Selection Committee
  • When are applicants notified about selection decisions?
    All applicants, whether invited to interview or not, are notified of their status after a review committee completes its work. A similar model is employed after interviews. 
  • Who should write letters of endorsement?
    Applicants should seek letters of endorsement from individuals who can provide deep insight on the applicant’s background, past leadership experience, potential for greater civic leadership, and readiness to participate in the Flinn-Brown Fellowship. These letters are a vital element of the selection process, and we encourage candor and depth from endorsers. Endorsement letters should be submitted with your application. 
  • When do I have to submit my Employer Approval Form?
    All candidates who qualify for an interview will be asked at that time to submit the Employer Approval Form completed by the candidate’s employer. The form is not part of the application. 
  • Is the Academy in-person or is there a virtual option?
    All Flinn-Brown Civic Leadership Academy seminar days are held in-person at the Flinn Foundation in Phoenix. Virtual options are not available.  
  • Is there a cost for the Fellowship?
    There is no cost to participate in the Flinn-Brown Fellowship. The Flinn Foundation, with support from the Thomas R. Brown Foundations, covers the cost of participation and supplies for Fellows in the current cohort.
  • What if I live outside of Maricopa County?
    Hotel accommodations for those attending the Flinn-Brown Academy from outside Maricopa County are provided. Mileage is reimbursed for travelers and carpooling from across the state is encouraged.
  • Are there time commitments outside of the Flinn-Brown Academy sessions?
    Yes. Fellows should plan for prep time before each Flinn-Brown Academy session. Pre-reading the material provided is extremely important. Fellows are also expected to prepare to engage in thoughtful discussions and deep dialogue. Additionally, Fellows are required to participate in a group project that will require time outside of Academy days for collaboration and coordination teams 
  • What if I have to miss a Flinn-Brown Academy session or weekend?
    Fellows are required to attend all Flinn-Brown Academy sessions as participation is a key component of the program. However, we understand that Fellows may have unavoidable conflicts and commitments. If you believe you will miss more than two days (full or in part) over the course of the Academy, we highly encourage you to apply for a future cohort. If excused, Fellows are asked to make up the missed session during a future Academy. 
  • Does the Arizona Center for Civic Leadership help Fellows’ political activities?
    In any of its activities, the Arizona Center for Civic Leadership cannot participate in or donate to a campaign for public office or a ballot measure, or lobby on specific pieces of legislation.