Outgoing Flinn Scholars collected a cornucopia of awards at university graduation ceremonies in May. Scholars took the top senior or graduate awards in seven departments and colleges at Arizona’s public universities, and won three of the six overall achievement awards given by the University of Arizona.
Outstanding Graduates at UA (conferred by department):
- Agricultural and Resource Economics: Jonathan Rovey
- Economics: Rachel Wellhausen
Outstanding Seniors at UA (conferred by college):
- Engineering: Paul Rhatigan
- Social and Behavioral Sciences: Jenny Spezeski
- Honors College: Rachel Wellhausen
In addition, three of the six overall achievement awards conferred on UA graduates during commencement went to Flinn Scholars:
- Nugent Award: Jason Chang
- Freeman Medal: Jon Gandomi
- Robie Medal: Rachel Wellhausen
At Arizona State University, Doug Jarczyk was named Distinguished Senior in Chemical Engineering, and Katie Petersen was named Outstanding Graduate for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
The commencement stage was only a launching point. Among the 16 Flinn graduates, some accepted prestigious national and international fellowships and government internships, while others entered the professional community or will pursue master’s, M.B.A, M.P.H., J.D., and Ph.D. programs in the fall. The universities where they will pursue graduate studies include UA, Stanford, UCLA, Cal-Berkeley, and Cambridge and the London School of Economics in England.