Forecast KnowledgeWorks Foundation invites you to explore its new 2020 Forecast: Creating the Future of Learning. Please also join us and others online in exploring key forces of change that will shape the landscape of learning over the next decade.
The 2020 Forecast highlights how we are moving toward a culture of creation and innovation. To be successful in tomorrow’s new economy, today’s students will have to be able to learn and adapt quickly and frequently. For this reason, we at KnowledgeWorks are working to transform education in the US from a world of schooling to a world of learning. This world calls not for better schools, but for entirely new kinds of learning environments. To be successful in it, tomorrow’s learners will not just need better teachers; they will need guides who take on fundamentally different roles.
We hope that you will join us in using the 2020 Forecast to support your visioning and strategic planning and in spreading the word to others.
To start exploring, visit You can also get oriented by taking part in a live interview with KnowledgeWorks Foundation President and CEO Chad Wick and futurist Andrea Saveri at 3:30 Eastern time on Wednesday, April 21.
Finally, you can stay abreast of new resources by becoming a fan of KnowledgeWorks on Facebook.