Arizona hosted its 90th Town Hall, “Health care in Arizona: Accessibility, Affordability and Accountability,” to discuss what steps should be taken to improve the state’s health care system.
The report presented recommendations for action that included supporting the state’s biotech sector and increasing the use of technology, building on ideas put forth in the 2005 Town Hall, “Maximizing Arizona’s Opportunities in the Biosciences and Biotechnology.”
Other suggestions included: spending more on the education of health care workers in order to meet or exceed national levels; ensuring treatment and coverage of behavioral health conditions; increasing outreach to children eligible for KidsCare, Arizona’s health insurance for children 18 and younger; and developing a model for patient-centered care.
Arizona Town Hall is a biennial community forum that pulls together people from a variety of backgrounds across the state to debate problems and public policy issues.
More than 130 elected leaders, health care workers, lawyers, business interests, and others gathered at Prescott Resort for this year’s four-day session.
Past forums organized by the non-profit Town Hall have dealt with growth, downtown redevelopment, and water issues.
For more information:
“Health care in Arizona: Accessibility, Affordability and Accountability,” Arizona Town Hall, 04/15/2007
“Health care reform argued at Town Hall,” Arizona Republic, 04/19/2007