Application opens for Flinn Foundation program offering $30K to bioscience startups

September 16, 2019

By brianpowell

The Flinn Foundation’s Bioscience Entrepreneurship Program has opened its 2020 application for Arizona early-stage bioscience firms seeking funding, professional support, and networking opportunities to grow their business.

The program provides $30,000 in non-dilutive funding support for up to six firms each year, administered through a nonprofit partner, and a professionally developed, yearlong plan specific to the needs of the individual firms.

In addition, opportunities are offered to engage with the state’s bioscience, academic, and policy leaders as a member of Arizona’s Bioscience Roadmap Steering Committee throughout the year.

The submission deadline is Monday, November 4, 2019.

Since 2014, the Flinn Foundation has selected 34 Arizona bioscience firms through a competitive process to participate in the program, which has awarded more than $1 million in funding support. The firms must be engaged in the commercialization of bioscience research and biotechnology and/or the sale of bioscience products.  

The Flinn Foundation created the program to foster entrepreneurship and help early-stage bioscience firms develop into successful and sustainable businesses, a goal of Arizona’s Bioscience Roadmap.

A group of finalists will interview in mid-February, and the selection of the 2020 firms will be announced in late February.

Additional information about the program and application process can be found in the 2020 Bioscience Entrepreneurship Program brochure and at

Any questions about the application process or program should be directed to Flinn Foundation Program Manager Juliet Gomez.