Apply for the 2021 Flinn Scholarship by Oct. 5

August 26, 2020

By brianpowell

The Flinn Scholars Program is inviting high-achieving Arizona high-school seniors to apply for one of the most generous, prestigious college scholarships in the country.

The 2021 Flinn Scholarship application is now open. The deadline to apply is 5 p.m. Monday, Oct. 5, 2020.

Each year, about 20 students are selected for the merit-based award and attend Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, or the University of Arizona.

The full-ride scholarship, valued at more than $120,000, covers the cost of:

  • tuition and mandatory fees;
  • housing;
  • meals; and
  • study-abroad opportunities.

The Flinn Scholarship also provides entry to the honors college at the recipient’s university, membership in a community of more than 650 current and alumni Flinn Scholars, and personal mentoring from brilliant faculty and alumni.

In 2019, more than 1,000 high-school seniors applied for the Flinn Scholarship, representing 212 high schools in 74 cities and towns across Arizona.

Grade-point average and class rank are two criteria assessed in the Flinn Scholarship selection process, along with leadership and involvement, service to the community, ability to communicate, and personal characteristics. This year, in response to the impact of COVID-19, the submission of SAT and ACT scores will be optional.

More information about the application process is available at Learn about the benefits, requirements, study abroad, the Scholars community—including a powerful alumni network—and Arizona’s universities. The website also presents tips and FAQs for applicants, parents, teachers, and counselors.

The benefits of the Scholarship—and how Scholars are making an impact in their communities—are also highlighted in the Make it Matter promotional viewbook.

The 2021 Flinn Scholarship application is due at 5 p.m. Monday, Oct. 5. Teacher and counselor recommendations are due Oct. 19.

Students, parents, teachers, and counselors may direct questions or requests for additional information to the Flinn Scholars Program at [email protected] or 602-744-6802.