Coronavirus cases in Arizona include the variants from California and the United Kingdom, which brings uncertainty to how quickly COVID-19 may spread in a new surge and the effectiveness of the vaccines. Since December, Arizona has seen 140 positive COVID-19 samples of the variant from California and five of the variant originating in the UK. Metrics continue to improve with a dramatic decline in cases and hospitalizations and more vaccinations every day—including now one in seven Maricopa County adult residents who have received at least one jab. And some universities have announced plans to return to normal in the fall.
COVID-19 variant case rates low but steady in Arizona / KJZZ
Arizona unlikely to beat back new virus variants, but next surge could be less deadly / Arizona Daily Star
Researchers are seeing California COVID variant in Arizona / azfamily.com
COVID-19 remains a threat even as metrics improve, expert says / KTAR
More than 1 in 7 Maricopa County adult residents have COVID-19 shot /Arizona Republic
Extreme weather nationwide is delaying Arizona’s COVID-19 vaccine shipments / Arizona Republic
Minorities, under-served communities lag in Arizona vaccine totals / Arizona Daily Star
Valley hospitals changing visitor rules as COVID cases drop / ABC 15
COVID-19 cases in Arizona surpass 800,000, 15,000 deaths / AZ Big Media
Could loss of smell lead to health challenges later in life? / KJZZ
UArizona students document school’s COVID-19 wastewater testing program / KGUN
University of Arizona preparing to bring more students back to campus / KJZZ
GCU expects ‘normal’ fall semester as COVID-19 cases stay low at Arizona universities / Arizona Republic
With COVID-19 managed for now, Crow is optimistic for future / State Press
Phoenix medical researcher TGen to sell cancer-testing unit / Arizona Republic
Translational Genomics Research Institute in Phoenix has agreed to sell Ashion Analytics, a testing company that uses genomic information to help doctors prescribe cancer treatments, to Exact Sciences Corp. of Madison, Wisconsin.
Events like Arizona SciTech Festival are going virtual / KJZZ
Launched in 2012, the Arizona SciTech Festival is running a virtual month-long event through Feb. 28 and will consider keeping a virtual option along with in-person events in the future.
Upcoming Events
Feb. 18-Feb. 28: Arizona SciTech Festival