3rd annual Arizona SciTech Gila Valley Health and Science Festival this weekend / Eastern Arizona Courier
Eastern Arizona College’s Thatcher and Discovery Park campuses will host the third annual Gila Valley Health and Science Festival this weekend where visitors will see a showcase of the technology and innovation now being used in the Gila Valley.
ASU making strides on early test for pancreatic cancer / Phoenix Business Journal
Researchers at the Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University are working on a new test to catch pancreatic cancer in its earliest stages by detecting extracellular vesicles, which are tiny bubbles of material emitted from most living cells.
3-D imaging could answer fundamental questions about valley fever / Bakersfield Californian
Translational Genomics Research Institute and Northern Arizona University are capturing detailed images of the fungus that causes valley fever, hoping to understand how it works and shed light on why the disease spreads at higher rates for people of African, Filipino and Mexican descent.
Arizona drug studies target Alzheimer’s earlier / Arizona Republic
Phoenix-based Banner Alzheimer’s Institute is testing the idea that giving at-risk patients drugs earlier—before memory and thinking problems surface—could be a possible way to attack the disease.
Tiny fish makes a big splash in Arizona medical research / Arizona Science Desk
A TGen lab is using the tiny zebrafish to understand the development, metastasis, and treatment of pancreatic cancer.
PHX Startup Week attracts entrepreneurs from across U.S., organizers expect 10,000 attendees / Cronkite News
The third annual PHX Startup Week expects 10,000 people this week to attend the free seminars, events, and speakers for the entrepreneurial community.
UA medical school offers hands-on critical care training / Arizona Republic
The University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix offers training in critical care to aid doctors and nurses in patient emergency situations.
Phoenix biotech firm raises nearly $7M in venture capital / Phoenix Business Journal
Phoenix-based Paradigm Diagnostics Inc. has raised nearly $7 million in venture capital that will be used to continue to develop its genomic profiling test as well as expand its cancer registry.