Medical students get free tuition for promising to practice in rural Arizona / Arizona Republic
Some University of Arizona medical school students are getting free tuition in exchange for a promise to practice in underserved rural areas for at least two years after they graduate.
UA center awarded $6.8M to address cancer in Native American populations / Arizona Daily Star
The University of Arizona Cancer Center has received a $6.85 million grant from the National Cancer Institute to continue its research and efforts to address the burden of cancer on Native American populations through a partnership between UArizona and Northern Arizona University.
15 finalists chosen for Fall 2019 Arizona Innovation Challenge / Phoenix Business Journal
Bioscience companies are among the 15 finalists in the Arizona Commerce Authority’s Fall 2019 Arizona Innovation Challenge, competing for as much as $150,000 each to help develop their early-stage firm.
Banner Health taps replacement for departing hospital CEO / Phoenix Business Journal
The new CEO of Banner-University Medical Center Phoenix is Daniel Post, a former regional executive vice president of strategy and business development for Loyola Medicine in Chicago.
NAU expands nursing programs to serve more students / Chamber Business News
Northern Arizona University is expanding its undergraduate nursing program starting with plans to accept an additional 20 students per year to the program, which operates in Flagstaff, Tucson, Yuma and Fort Defiance.
Arizona STEM Adventure grows beyond Pima County / Tucson Local Media
SARSEF, or the Southern Arizona Research, Science and Education Foundation, organized the STEM Adventure that attracted more than 1,000 fourth- through eighth-grade students from Tucson as well as Phoenix, San Simon and Willcox.
Upcoming Events
Dec. 6: Hacking the Human Conference and Health Innovation Expo, A.E. England Building, Phoenix
Dec. 9: Arizona Conference on Developing Therapeutics for Cancer and Immunology, Phoenix Biomedical Campus, Phoenix
Dec 12: AZBio Trailblazer Awards, Phoenix Country Club, Phoenix