Here are the 26 Arizona Innovation Challenge semifinalists for 2021 / AZ Big Media
The Arizona Commerce Authority has announced the 26 semifinalists from a pool of 110 applicants for the 2021 Arizona Innovation Challenge, including 10 early-stage firms representing the bio and life sciences.
Scottsdale regenerative biotech firm named Arizona Bioscience Company of the Year / Phoenix Business Journal (AZ Inno)
BioLab Sciences Inc. has been named Bioscience Company of the Year by the Arizona Bioindustry Association, which cited the emerging Scottsdale firm’s leadership and innovations in regenerative therapies and wound care.
Amid Arizona’s worst year for West Nile virus, patients and researchers look for solutions / Arizona Republic
A Northern Arizona researcher has released a tracking website to monitor different strains of the West Nile virus and is watching the evolution of a strain identified in 2019 to determine whether the viral variant circulating in Maricopa County has become more severe.
UA researchers focus on starving tumors, stunting cancer growth / Arizona Daily Star
A research team at the University of Arizona Cancer Center has discovered a new way of controlling blood vessel growth in tumors, a development that could make it easier to treat cancer patients.
UA complying with federal order requiring COVID-19 vaccines for workers / KJZZ
The state’s three public universities have announced they would be requiring COVID-19 vaccines for their employees based in part on federal contracts which provide hundreds of millions of dollars of support to research programs.
Arizona health officials ready to distribute COVID-19 vaccines for kids when approved / KTAR
The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is expected to be authorized for children ages 5 to 11 in a matter of weeks and Arizona health officials say more than 900 providers plus pharmacies will be ready to provide vaccines to children.
Arizona is leading the nation with cases of people living with Alzheimer’s disease / KJZZ
Arizona has the fastest growing number of cases in the nation of Alzheimer’s disease, according to the Alzheimer’s Association, and by 2025 could have 200,000 cases.
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