[Soure: BIO-IT World] – Turning FDA’s Critical Path Initiative (CPI) into practical tools to accelerate drug discovery and development has had its challenges. But that hasn’t deterred Ray Woosley, CEO of the C-PATH Institute, whose sole mission is to foster private-public cooperation to fulfill CPI’s grand vision. Woosley is a glass-half-full realist and C-PATH is starting to justify his steady confidence.
The basic idea is to set up consortia to develop scientific consensus among drug developers and regulators around methods and tools (see “C-PATH Consortia”). Much of the time the end product is a biomarker.
Formed in 2005, the not-for-profit C-PATH has about 500 scientists drawn from its members: roughly 30 major pharmaceutical companies, six patient advocacy organizations, and representation from FDA, EMEA, NIA, NINDS, NCI, and NHLBI.
For more information: C-PATH is a Realistic Change Agent