Goal 3: Bio-Talent
Make Arizona a bio-talent powerhouse where such talent is developed, educated, trained, and retained
Strategy 3A:
Increase the state’s supply of executive-level serial entrepreneurial talent within the bioscience industry
Strategy 3B:
Establish Arizona as the national leader in deploying, assessing, and strengthening Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education at both the state and local levels in K-12, community colleges, and the universities; make improvements in science and math in K-12 through the STEM Network, bioscience academies, and statewide career and community-focused technical preparation programs to form lifelong career pathways in the biosciences
Strategy 3C
Dramatically expand student entrepreneurship programs both at the K-12 and college levels, as well as internship opportunities to thousands of enrollees in private businesses and nonprofit organizations
Strategy 3D:
Develop the talent base by attracting and retaining top graduate students, doctoral and post-doctoral candidates and trainees, and physician-scientists to research opportunities in Arizona, including clinical research
Strategy 3E:
Promote health care delivery reforms that will make Arizona a national leader and overcome the discovery-to-delivery disconnect
Strategy 3F:
Develop programs to educate health care providers about delivering precision medicine to the patient