NAU research ties tree mortality trends to climate warming

January 23, 2009

By hammersmith

[Source:] – Global warming is speeding up the mortality of trees, and Northern Arizona University research is providing some of the data to prove it.

Pete Ful, an NAU associate professor in the School of Forestry and a director of the university’s Ecological Restoration Institute, is a coauthor of “Widespread Increase of Tree Mortality Rates in the Western United States,” an article to be published in the Jan. 23 issue of Science journal.

The study, led by principal authors Phillip J. van Mantgem and Nathan L. Stephenson, scientists with the Western Ecological Research Center for the U.S. Geological Survey in northern California, “offers data to show that there is a problem with tree mortality in the West and that climate is an important element in the problem,” Ful explained.

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