[Source: EV Linving] – Dr. Richard Jacoby, DPM, of the Scottsdale Neuropathy Institute, will present the preliminary findings of a ground breaking blood flow study to the International Congress XXIII during its annual meeting February 28 through March 4 at Scottsdale’s Phoenician Resort.
‘The Neurovascular Evaluation of the Triple Nerve Release of the Lower Extremities,’ is expected to provide a greater understanding of the impact of blood flow in diabetic neuropathy. The study is a joint collaboration with the Arizona Heart Institute (AHI), with Dr. Jacoby conducting the study and Dr. Venkatesh G. Ramaiah, MD, FACS, of the Arizona Heart Institute, evaluating the blood flow rates. This is the first formal study conducted that investigates the link between neuropathy and blood flow.
For more information: Preliminary Findings of Blood Flow Study to be Presented at the Phoenician