After Scholar alumnus Jeremy Babendure (’97) graduated from ASU, he headed to the University of California at San Diego to work with recent Nobel laureate Roger Tsien and earn a doctorate in biomedical sciences. Upon finishing his Ph.D., Jeremy dedicated his professional energies to science education, establishing with Dr. Tsien an educational outreach program called ScienceBridge.
Now Jeremy has returned home to Arizona, as director of the Arizona Science and Technology Festival, a new initiative spearheaded by the Arizona Technology Council Foundation, ASU, and the Arizona Science Center. The inaugural Festival will occur during February 2012 with events at sites across the state.
What are the aims of the Festival, and how big an undertaking will it be? Here’s what Jeremy has to say:
The Arizona Science and Technology will be 6-week statewide celebration involving 200+ orgs in industry, education and community to inspire Arizonans about how STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) will drive the future of Arizona.
Through a series of hands-on activities and workshops, discussions, exhibitions, concerts, and tours centered during the month of February 2012, the First Annual Arizona SciTech Festival’s goals are to (1) brand Arizona as a leader in science and technology; (2) inform/inspire our future workforce about opportunities in AZ; and (3) serve as a focal point to bring diverse stakeholders in workforce, education and community together.
We anticipate the festival will reach 100,000+ Arizonans through 300+ activities that take place in diverse neighborhoods throughout the state with: signature events highlighting the innovative character of each region (aerospace, technology, bioscience) with high energy exhibitions and shows; 20+ neighborhood hubs providing workshop and discussion opportunities at accessible locations such as libraries and community centers; tours of science/technology facilities statewide; and activities, talks and challenges in-schools to get kids engaged before, during and post festival.
Something this big doesn’t happen without energetic support from a lot of people. Individuals and organizations wishing to participate in and support this unique opportunity to showcase Arizona’s scientific strength and potential should contact Jeremy–today.