[Source: Dan Sorenson, Arizona Daily Star] — Tuition may be going up every year, but there’s a free, informal self-paced education and some fascinating viewing awaiting anyone with Internet access and time to cruise the University of Arizona’s thousands of science Internet pages. Looking for tips on a science project or just stunning screen wallpaper for your computer? You may even be able to find help with math homework or with work around the home.
The College of Agriculture and Life Science home page’s “Extension Outreach” link offers information that can be useful to gardeners trying to identify garden critters.
Speaking of agriculture, visit “Tomatoes Live!” at the Controlled Environment Agriculture Center Internet site to see something of hydroponic plant life at the UA’s greenhouses on North Campbell Avenue via webcam.
The math department’s staid site isn’t going to dispel preconceptions about math being dull. But there are useful aspects. Among other things, it offers information on the department-sponsored math homework outreach program in Tucson.
The physics department’s site is much more attractive than math’s. Though it probably won’t cause a stampede of wannabe physics majors, it does make a strong attempt at explaining what’s going on in UA physics research