The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Office of Education (OED) is requesting applications for a technology-based science experiential learning program to impact 4th through 9th grade students and teachers. One award will be made for a project five years in duration. The successful project will draw heavily on NOAA marine scientific resources as well as an existing set of vetted educational products. The project should feature print materials for students and teachers, multimedia products, out-of-the classroom activities and incorporate on-line elements such as live chat, podcasts or computer simulations to provide students with access to scientists and promote inquiry-based learning. A successful applicant will have extensive partnerships with NOAA, as well as other Federal, local, and private organizations. It is anticipated that final recommendations for funding under this announcement will be made by June 30, 2007, and that projects funded under this announcement will have a start date no earlier than September 15, 2007.
Click here for complete details. If you have difficulty accessing the full announcement electronically, contact: Steve Drescher, Policy Advisor, 301-713-0926.