Because a majority of jobs now require some type of education after high school, all students need to complete a sequence of rigorous academic courses in math, lab sciences, English, social studies, and languages other than English to be competitive in the workplace. Students who complete coursework at or above the Scholars Course of Study have more — and better — options after high school graduation. The Arizona Academics Scholars Program has provided an outline of the course of study and a comparison with the basic Arizona requirements for high school graduation and entrance into the Arizona University System.
Math (per Arizona Academic Standards)
- High School: 2 credits
- Arizona University System: 4 credits (through advanced math)
- Scholars Program: 3 credits (Algebra 1, geometry, Algebra 2)
Science (per Arizona Academic Standards and as defined by the Arizona State Board of Regents)
- High School: 2 credits
- Arizona University System: 3 credits lab science (one unit each in 3 of four areas: biology, chemistry, physics, Earth science)
- Scholars Program: 3 credits (lab science in biology, chemistry, physics, or physical science)