NFL spotlights Chicana, Native American artist Lucinda ‘La Morena’ Hinojos for Super Bowl LVII / NFL News
The NFL has partnered with artist Lucinda “La Morena” Hinojos of Phoenix to be the marquee artist of Super Bowl LVII, becoming the first Chicana, Native American artist to work with the league on Super Bowl theme art.
Peter Kjome takes over as president and CEO of Phoenix Symphony / KJZZ
Peter Kjome, the new head of the Phoenix Symphony who started his job at the beginning of February, shares what initially appealed to him about the role.
Pro athletes showcase art at Scottsdale Civic Center / Scottsdale Independent
A large portion of the newly renovated Scottsdale Civic Center recently opened to the public, and Scottsdale Arts is preparing a variety of events, including a showcase of artwork by professional athletes during the week of Super Bowl 57.
Arizona Theatre Company extends submissions for National Latine Playwrights Award / Arizona Digital Free Press
Arizona Theatre Company has extended submissions for the 2023 National Latine Playwrights Award through March 1. Established in 1995, 25 of the past 27 recipients have gone on to productions across the United States and around the world.
2023 TYA/USA festival & conference headed for Arizona / American Theatre
Theatre for Young Audiences USA (TYA/USA), in collaboration with Childsplay, will present the 2023 TYA/USA National Festival & Conference in Tempe and Phoenix in May featuring performances, speeches, training, networking, and more.
Threatened narrow-headed garter snake gets help from the Phoenix Zoo / Cronkite News
A threatened species for nearly a decade, the narrow-headed garter snake is getting new life and help from scientists at the Phoenix Zoo. There were 40 of these snakes born at its Arthur L. and Elaine V. Johnson Conservation Center in 2022—the most since the program began in 2007.
‘The Beauty of Being Here’: Green Valley artist opens solo exhibit at Desert Museum / Green Valley News
If you were to form a hierarchy of printmaking difficulty, mezzotint would likely sit at the top. The technique is tedious and labor intensive, but the results, Green Valley artist Jennifer Clarke would say, are well worth the effort. Her latest exhibition, “The Beauty of Being Here,” is now on display at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.