Can a commonly used herbicide get into our brains? Arizona scientists want to find out / Arizona Republic
Glyphosate, a chemical compound found in Roundup and other herbicides, can cross the blood-brain barrier and elevate levels of certain molecules that are associated with disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease in humans, new research from Arizona State University and TGen scientists suggests.
Arizona Technology Council celebrates its 20th year, helped catalyze Arizona’s technology growth / Greater Phoenix In Business
The Arizona Technology Council has spent the past two decades providing the community with events, educational forums, and business conferences, advocating and lobbying for pro-technology legislation, and solidifying Arizona’s position as a top landing spot for startups and major corporations alike.
How lean bodies, good lab results can mask liver disease / KJZZ
In March, KJZZ’s Arizona Science Desk reported that people who are lean can face surprisingly high risk for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, a group of illnesses that can progress to cirrhosis and cancer. Research by TGen and Temple University in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences might help explain why.
UA researchers testing for degenerative neurological diseases / Tucson Local Media
University of Arizona researchers developed a new class of drugs that crosses the blood-brain barrier and could be used in the treatment of neurological diseases and conditions, such as stroke, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.
HonorHealth could expand north Phoenix hospital campus / Phoenix Business Journal
Scottsdale-based HonorHealth has filed a rezoning application with the city of Phoenix to pave the way for an expansion of its Deer Valley Medical Center.
Vertical farming startup plans big expansion in Arizona after relocating from California / Phoenix Business Journal (AZ Inno)
Vertical farming startup OnePointOne Inc., which has relocated to Arizona from the Bay Area, uses plant science, vertical plane aeroponics systems, robots, and artificial intelligence to grow food plants indoors.
Upcoming Events /
September 13: AZBioPEERS: Getting Ready for Bioscience Week 2022
September 26: Leading Women: Biotech and Beyond
September 27: 2022 STEM & Innovation Summit
September 27: 4th Annual Drug Discovery and Development Summit
September 28: AZAdvances Innovation Showcase
September 28: The AZBio Awards
September 28-29: White Hat Life Science Investor Conference