Here are the winners of the 2023 AZBio Awards / AZ Big Media
As part of Arizona Bioscience Week, the Arizona Bioindustry Association held its annual awards Wednesday at the Phoenix Convention Center, honoring the most innovative bioscience leaders and companies in Arizona. Read more: 20 years of impact
Arizona Bioscience Week: Stories you should know from the Phoenix Bioscience Core / Downtown Phoenix
The Phoenix Bioscience Core is a thriving life science and innovation hub in downtown Phoenix with artisans, residents, professionals, students, and entrepreneurs in an area that includes Arizona’s three public universities, the 850 PBC building, TGen and the new Center for Advanced Molecular and Immunological Therapies (CAMI) in the pipeline.
UA researchers look for precise way to protect people’s brain health as they age / KGUN
University of Arizona researchers working with the national Precision Aging Network are seeking a way to precisely predict a patient’s brain health risks which could lead to a personalized plan to improve aging.
This desert plant can be used to make rubber and grows with little water / KJZZ
Arizona researchers have begun to look at different drought-resistant crops that do not need much water such as guayule—a plant native to the Chihuahuan Desert that can be used to make rubber including tires.
EvolvedMD working to better combine mental and physical health services / ABC 15
ABC 15 recently spoke with evolvedMD, a Scottsdale-based company that’s integrating behavioral health services into primary care offices in Arizona and beyond.
Arizona WearTech Center awarded $1.8 million for innovation projects / AZ Big Media
The Partnership for Economic Innovation, a collective of business and community leaders dedicated to accelerating Arizona’s economic opportunities, announced the Arizona Commerce Authority had awarded more than $1.8 million to support eight new applied research projects through its WearTech Applied Research Center.
Upcoming Events
September 29: Voice of the Patient
October 19: ASU Annual Diagnostics Summit