A tiny device can help diabetics live with their disease, but getting one can be an ordeal / Arizona Republic
A continuous glucose monitor, a small biomedical device that measures blood sugar, has changed diabetic care by giving people instant access to potentially life-saving information about their health.
Cost, red tape and cultural barriers keep glucose monitors from widespread use among diabetics / Arizona Republic
A continuous glucose monitor is a life-saving and revolutionary piece of technology: it collects much more useful data than other methods of measuring blood sugar levels. But not all insurance plans will cover them.
Researchers explore the link between sedentary behavior and dementia / KJZZ
A University of Arizona professor has been involved in research that shows how sedentary behavior—like passively watching television—is linked to dementia.
How many steps does a cow take in a day? Wearable tech could transform Arizona dairy farms / Arizona Republic
Farmers, some seeking novel ways of keeping their animals healthy and others hoping to address labor and sustainability issues, are adopting or planning to adopt automated, high-tech solutions like cow pedometers, computerized file systems and diagnostic tools, more advanced artificial insemination techniques, robotic cleaning devices and more.
Arizona’s COVID-19 vaccination rates are too low to eliminate threat / KJZZ
The Arizona Department of Health Services reported 6,119 COVID-19 cases this week, and while the state’s outbreak shows signs of receding, some experts say Arizona’s COVID-19 vaccination rates are still too low.
Life sciences component growing at Park Central / Greater Phoenix In Business
The Park Central development team has created an exciting conceptual design for an 80,000-square-foot life sciences facility on the midtown Phoenix campus, divisible into separate laboratories ranging from 5,000 to 50,000 square feet.
Upcoming Events /
September 26: Leading Women: Biotech and Beyond
September 27: 2022 STEM & Innovation Summit
September 27: 4th Annual Drug Discovery and Development Summit
September 28: AZAdvances Innovation Showcase
September 28: The AZBio Awards
September 28-29: White Hat Life Science Investor Conference