ALS strikes 5,000 people annually. Barrow just got $16.7M to fight back / KJZZ
Barrow Neurological Institute has received $16.7 million from the National Institutes of Health, its largest grant ever from that agency, to help coordinate a national consortium to study Lou Gehrig’s disease. Read more: Barrow gets over $16M to help lead ALS research consortium
Northern Arizona Healthcare announces 2nd forum to discuss Flagstaff Medical Center plans / Arizona Daily Sun
Northern Arizona Healthcare will host a second public forum on Oct. 16 to answer questions about its plans for a new Flagstaff Medical Center campus ahead of the vote on Proposition 480, a referendum on rezoning for Phase One of these plans.
Is the eye the window to Alzheimer’s? / Wall Street Journal
Artificial-intelligence startup companies, including one launched by a neurology professor at the University of Arizona, are pursuing a variety of machine-learning approaches to the diagnosis Alzheimer’s disease.
Startup Champions Network hosting national conference in Phoenix this month / AZInno
Startup Champions Network, a nonprofit that supports entrepreneurial ecosystem builders, is bringing its national conference for industry leaders and entrepreneurs to Phoenix Oct. 24-26 at the 850 PBC building in downtown Phoenix.
Mayo Clinic working to attract innovators to Discovery Oasis biotech corridor / Phoenix Business Journal
As Phoenix City Council prepares to vote Oct. 18 on Mayo Clinic’s Discovery Oasis biotech and health corridor proposal in north Phoenix, staff are meeting with health-care innovators to be part of the 120-acre biotech hub near Mayo Clinic’s hospital campus in north Phoenix.
Arizona continues to see slow VC funding as industry deals with “unimaginable” tumult / AZInno
Venture funding deals remained subdued nationwide and in Arizona during the third quarter as investors and startup founders are “optimizing for stability and cash flow” to meet market challenges. Arizona companies inked 36 deals totaling $182.8 million in the quarter.
Upcoming Events
October 19: ASU Annual Diagnostics Summit
October 24-26: Startup Champions Network Fall Summit
November 4-10: TENWEST Impact Festival