Tucson drug startup drops initial public stock offering / Arizona Daily Star
Cancer Prevention Pharmaceuticals, a Tucson-based company developing cancer-prevention drugs, has withdrawn its initial public offering of stock but will keep moving forward with drug trials with the backing of its pharma industry partners.
Paradigm Diagnostics raises $3.5M of planned $7M Series B financing / GenomeWeb
Paradigm Diagnostics has raised half of a planned $7 million to support the rapid commercial expansion of its PCDx tumor sequencing test, which is designed to help physicians offer patients a more personalized approach to cancer treatment.
Monsanto: Tucson greenhouse will help advance agriculture / Arizona Daily Star (Op-ed)
Monsanto announced plans in August to build a 7-acre, high-tech greenhouse in Pima County that the company says will speed up innovation with the advantages provided by the indoor air-controlled facility.
See the winners in this year’s Governor’s Celebration of Innovation Awards / Phoenix Business Journal
The state’s top science and technology innovators, including large and small companies, educators, students, and legislators who champion technology, were honored by the Arizona Technology Council, Arizona Commerce Authority and Avnet Inc. during the 13th annual Governor’s Celebration of Innovation Awards.
Tucson’s Amphi District seeks K-5 students for STEM school / Arizona Public Media
Amphitheater Unified School District wants to take science and tech education to a new level next school year by opening an Oro Valley campus offering a STEM curriculum for children as young as kindergarten.
Our Turn: How we’re fixing a doctor shortage / Arizona Republic (Op-ed)
Maricopa Integrated Health System, Dignity Health St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center and District Medical Group, Inc. are partnering with Creighton University School of Medicine to increase the number of doctors and other health professionals in Arizona.
UA Cancer Center to join national clinical trial research group / Arizona Daily Star (Associated Press)
The University of Arizona Cancer Center says its research role is increasing with acceptance into a national clinical trials research group, meaning the university’s physicians will serve on committees, provide input on research studies, and see their own initiatives and ideas included in new research studies. Read more: University of Arizona Cancer Center joins national clinical trials research group
6 up-and-coming Arizona startups digitizing the desert / Geektime
Bioscience companies are among those startups from around Arizona receiving recent venture capital funding.