How the University of Arizona Dignity Health cancer center almost wasn’t / Phoenix Business Journal
Officials from the University of Arizona and Dignity Health St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center are busy making plans for their cancer center’s ribbon-cutting ceremony, but it was a deal that almost didn’t get done.
HonorHealth Scottsdale earns Flinn grant for VAP research /
Nurses are conducting research on ventilator-associated pneumonia at HonorHealth Scottsdale Osborn Medical Center to take a closer look at genetic and molecular interactions during the early development of VAP.
East Valley students get college start with STEM program / ABC15
The East Valley Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a four-week summer STEM program at Wilkes University in Mesa for 17 high-school students to learn about science, technology, engineering and math.
Banner to neighbors: 3 years of construction / Arizona Daily Star
Banner Health is preparing for the expansion and reconstruction of Banner-University Medical Center Tucson, a three-year project costing at least $500 million that will include a new 11-story tower, north-side outpatient clinic and entrance, and the demolition of older buildings.
Brain drain: Too many of Arizona’s medical graduates are leaving the state / Phoenix Business Journal
A panel of physicians and hospital executives discussed how health-care providers and medical schools are being affected by changes in the health-care industry, including the need for Arizona to expand its graduate-medical-education training to attract and keep more physicians in the state.
Banner cancer center to bring new treatment services to Sun City /
Banner Health is bringing its signature cancer-treatment program in the Valley to Sun City. The radiation-oncology program now based at Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center in Gilbert will expand to offer treatment and program options at Banner Boswell Medical Center starting in September.
Paradigm inks deal with insurer Three Rivers for NGS cancer test / GenomeWeb
Molecular diagnostics firm Paradigm, a spinoff of the International Genomics Consortium of Phoenix, announced it has signed a deal under which its PCDx next-generation sequencing-based cancer test will be covered by health insurer Three Rivers Provider Network.