Cancer Treatment Centers of America boosts research with hiring of TGen’s Glen Weiss
2/26/2013 | Phoenix Business Journal | Angela Gonzales
Cancer Treatment Centers of America, which has been making a stronger effort to conduct research, has closer ties with Phoenix’s Translational Genomics Research Institute now that it has hired as director of clinical research Dr. Glen J. Weiss, a clinical associate professor, translational physician scientist and co-head of the Lung Cancer Unit of the Cancer and Cell Biology Division at TGen.
Open house event offers family-friendly activities, inside look at ASU initiatives
2/26/2013 | The State Press | Paulina Pineda
Arizona State University’s Night of the Open Door event on March 2, one of the biggest events of the Arizona SciTech Festival, will include more than 100 activities showcasing ASU’s involvement in the arts, engineering, science and the humanities.
Arizona must do more to become a global leader in bioscience research
2/25/2013 | Arizona Capitol Times | Guest Column
Arizona State University president Michael Crow offers his views about the past decade’s success for Arizona biosciences and what it will take to move the state from its present status as a robust participant in the biosciences to global leadership.
Compton to leave C-Path for ASU
2/25/2013 | Inside Tucson Business | Staff Report
Tucson-based Critical Path Institute (C-Path) has named Martha Brumfield interim president and chief executive officer following the departure of Carolyn Compton, who is leaving C-Path for a new position with Arizona State University’s National Biomarkers Development Alliance.
Phoenix schools take innovative steps to ease funding crunch
2/25/2013 | Arizona Republic | Eugene Scott
Bioscience High School in downtown Phoenix, which emphasizes science, technology, engineering and mathematics, may be the first public school in Arizona to have co-principals with one primarily focused on increasing the student population to bring in more state money.
Chandler moving forward, mayor says in address
2/22/2013 | Arizona Republic | Michelle Mitchell
Chandler Mayor Jay Tibshraeny cited the city’s Innovations Incubator and growth of Chandler-area businesses that are expanding and bringing jobs to the city, particularly those in technology, during his recent State of the City address.
Phoenix NAP teams with TGen, launches private cloud
2/21/2013 | Phoenix Business Journal | Patrick O’Grady
Phoenix NAP has launched a partnership with the Translational Genomics Research Institute for the bioscience group to use the data center’s resources, with plans for the data to be shared with other research facilities.