
Flinn Foundation selects 32nd class of Flinn Scholars from Arizona’s top students

PHOENIX—Twenty of Arizona’s highest-achieving high-school seniors have been awarded the 2017 Flinn Scholarship, a highly competitive merit-based award for undergraduate study at an Arizona public university. The Flinn Scholarship, supported by the Phoenix-based Flinn Foundation and the universities, covers the cost of tuition and room and board at one of the state’s three public universities, […]

Seven Arizona bio startups named Flinn Foundation Bioscience Entrepreneurship Program winners

PHOENIX—Seven Arizona bioscience startup firms were competitively selected to participate in the 2017 Flinn Foundation Bioscience Entrepreneurship Program, which was established to foster entrepreneurship and help early-stage bioscience companies develop into successful and sustainable businesses in Arizona. The firms—based in Flagstaff, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, and Tucson—will receive $30,000 each in funding support and program services […]

Longtime Arizona leader Jack Jewett to retire as Flinn Foundation CEO

PHOENIX—Jack B. Jewett will retire as Flinn Foundation President and CEO at the end of September, concluding more than eight years of service in which the foundation expanded and enhanced its program areas to better serve Arizona. Russell Reynolds Associates, an international executive search firm, has been hired by the Foundation to conduct a national […]

Arizona Center for Civic Leadership names 2016 Flinn-Brown Fellows

PHOENIX—The independent, nonpartisan Arizona Center for Civic Leadership has selected 36 individuals as the 2016 cohort of the Flinn-Brown Civic Leadership Academy, a group of Arizonans from across the state and all walks of life and perspectives who share a commitment to state-level public service. The Flinn-Brown experience begins with Fellows, who are selected competitively, […]

31st class of Flinn Scholars to attend Arizona public universities

PHOENIX—The 2016 Flinn Scholarship has been awarded to 20 of Arizona’s highest-achieving high-school seniors, who will receive an unparalleled package for undergraduate study at an Arizona public university. The highly competitive merit-based scholarship includes the cost of tuition at one of the three state universities, funding for room and board, support for at least two […]

Arizona bioscience job growth rate continues to outpace nation

PHOENIX—Arizona’s bioscience industry has sustained its momentum and continues its long-standing trend of impressive job growth and high wages, a new report shows. In addition, risk capital reached its highest figure in four years, and all measures of bioscience tech transfer at Arizona universities are on the rise, with increases in startups, invention disclosures, patents, […]

Flinn Foundation names Stacy L. Tucker new Chief Financial Officer

PHOENIX—The Flinn Foundation has named Stacy L. Tucker its new Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, a position responsible for overseeing the Foundation’s investment, financial, accounting, and business activities. Tucker, who joined the Foundation in early March, also is responsible for financial reporting, auditing, budgeting, internal controls, insurance, employee benefits, and the preparation of annual […]

Six Arizona startups win entry to Flinn Bioscience Entrepreneurship Program

PHOENIX—Six Arizona startup bioscience firms have been competitively selected to participate in the 2016 Flinn Foundation Bioscience Entrepreneurship Program. The companies will receive $30,000 in funding support and a set of program services administered through a nonprofit partner. The program was established to foster entrepreneurship and help early-stage bioscience firms develop into successful and sustainable […]

Arizona’s Bioscience Roadmap Steering Committee names new leaders

PHOENIX—Arizona’s Bioscience Roadmap Steering Committee, a group of more than 100 Arizona leaders working to advance the biosciences around the state, has undergone its first leadership change in more than a decade, with two long-serving members assuming new responsibilities. Ron Shoopman is the new chair and Mark Slater is the new vice chair of the […]
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