[Source: Diversified Energy Corporation] – Diversified Energy Corporation, an alternative and renewable energy technology development company, announced today that its advanced biorefinery technology, termed Centia™, had been selected for award by the Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E). One of 37 awardees from an initial pool of 3,681 applicants, Diversified Energy and North Carolina State University are part of a team led by Arizona State University’s Biodesign Institute – the lead organization for the project. The 24-month, $5.2M project is focused on utilizing sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to cultivate fatty acids from cyanobacteria, which are then processed by Centia™ to produce fuels similar to petroleum-derived gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel.
For more information: Diversified Energy Notified that Centia™ Advanced Biorefinery Process Selected for Department of Energy Award