From: TGen News
The nanoparticle drug BIND-014 is effective against multiple solid tumors, according to results generated by the Translational Genomics Research Institute and Scottsdale Healthcare and presented by Daniel Von Hoff, TGen’s Physician-In-Chief at the Amercian Association for Cancer Research annual meeting April 6-10 in Washington, D.C. Data for the Phase 1 study was generated at the Virginia G. Piper Cancer Center Clinical Trials.
In addtion, the safety and preliminary efficacy of a new class of tumor fighting drugs was presented by Ramesh K. Ramanathan, Medical Director of the Virginia G. Piper Cancer Center Clinical Trials at Scottsdale Healthcare and deputy director of the Clinical Translational Research Division of TGen. Early results from the phase I, first in-human study of an RNA interference (RNAi) drug were announced during the AACR meeting. The drug is TKM-080301, also known as TKM-PLK1.
Read More:
TGen-Scottsdale Healthcare clinical trial results for BIND-014 presented
TGen-Scottsdale Healthcare clinical trial finds new class of cancer drugs are safe and effective