On February 20, the “Arizona eLearning Policy and Strategy Summit 2008” will be held to discuss Arizona education, workforce, and economic development. eLearning, conferencing, collaboration, and social networking technologies are enabling new global relationships and new models for learning that are dramatically changing the way we educate, communicate, and conduct business in the Global Economy. Get engaged in developing policies and strategies to position Arizona as a leader in creating, delivering and adopting these technologies and services.
You will participate in Policy and Strategy Workshops to define opportunities to create 21st Century education, support economic development, train a 21st century workforce, and enable Arizona businesses to be internationally competitive with new tools for global business development, customer relations, collaboration and communication. With eLearning contributing over $3 billion annually to the state’s economy, the Summit will also address strategies to support Arizona eLearning enterprises in creating and delivering advanced technologies and services.
For more information and to register, visit http://www.gazel.us/summit08