[Source: Arizona Daily Star, Stephanie Innes] – The former dean of the University of Arizona’s College of Medicine is now working with Dr. Andrew Weil.
Dr. James E. Dalen is the new executive director of the Weil Foundation, which supports integrative medicine through research, education, training and policy reform.
About 90 percent of the donations to the foundation come from Weil, a Tucson resident, who contributes all after-tax profits from royalties on the sale of retail products licensed by Weil Lifesyle.
The Weil Foundation defines integrative medicine as emphasizing the, “innate healing capacities of the organism” by viewing patients as spiritual entities as well as physical bodies. Weil’s philosophy is to address all aspects of lifestyle in evaluating health and illness and to place a big emphasis on the role of practitioner-patient relationship in the healing process.
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