[Source: PR-USA] – ImmuneRegen BioSciences Inc.®, a wholly owned subsidiary of IR Biosciences Holdings Inc., today announced the commencement of a study, in collaboration with Dr. Jacob Finkelstein at the University of Rochester Medical School, funded by the U.S. government. Dr. Finkelstein’s research group at the University of Rochester’s Center for Biophysical Assessment and Risk Management Following Irradiation (CBARMFI) will evaluate the efficacy of Homspera® in reducing the detrimental effects of radiation on lung immune system function.
This research will expand on studies being performed at the University of Rochester evaluating the efficacy of Homspera in preventing lung injury induced by radiation exposure. Additionally, this work is an extension of studies ImmuneRegen has previously performed demonstrating efficacy of Homspera in treating pulmonary injury as well as mitigating acute effects, including the hematopoietic syndrome, resulting from exposure to ionizing radiation.
For more information: ImmuneRegen BioSciences® to Further Homspera® Research in Study Funded by U.S. Government