On July 11-13 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) at the Black Canyon Conference Center, 9440 N. 25th Ave. in Phoenix, the Arizona Department of Education will provide training and tools for county, district, and school teams of teacher leaders to implement a standards-based system using the Mathematics and Science Standards and current research-based practices. This academy will emphasize several different relevant strands:
- content-specific sessions in mathematics and science
- leadership and professional development
- assessment, including data-driven decision making
- cross-curricular connections
Participants will:
- Understand and apply the power of collaboration
- Build a leadership capacity within their sphere of influence
- Create an action plan focusing on student learning
- Build upon their knowledge and understanding of concepts
- Translate knowledge into effective practice
Cost is $325 (teams of three or more participants will receive a 10% discount). Online registration now open. Onsite registration will begin at 7:30 a.m. on July 11. Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided. Please make checks/purchase orders payable to: Arizona Department of Education, 1535 W. Jefferson St., Bin #5, Phoenix, AZ 85007. Registration cancellations must be received by June 23, 2006 to receive a full refund.
Who Should Attend: County, district, or school mathematics/science teacher-leader teams who meet the following criteria: Educators who demonstrate expertise in the area of K-12 standards-based teaching and learning pertaining to content knowledge, pedagogy, and how children learn math and science, and who have served in a science or math leadership capacity within their schools/districts and/or have experience in the delivery of K-12 professional development. [Note: For more information, contact Brenda J. Martin at 602-364-2335.]