Let the floodgates open

May 21, 2008

By hammersmith

And here comes some more coverage of the 23rd class of Scholars:

The Tucson Citizen offered a profile of Jason Xu (’08) and another of David Ware (’08) as part of the paper’s coverage of this spring’s area graduates. They also ran a story on all four new Scholars from the Tucson area–Jason, David, Alice Cai (’08), and Matt Hom (’08). The Arizona Daily Star followed suit.

The Ahwatukee Foothills News gave some much-deserved attention to Aubri Carman (’08), noting her scheduling conflict–go to the Scholars Recognition Dinner or accept her award as (deep breath…) the Arizona Interscholastic Association and Cox Communications Class 4-5A female Everyday Hero Scholar Athlete of the Year.

The Arizona Daily Sun has bestowed upon Ben Lang (’08) his very own article, although they mention in flattering terms those good people who paved the way, David Hernandez (’04), Margaret Neff (’03), Alex Lau (’03), and Marian Lacy (’03). A couple of weeks back, the Daily Sun chipped in with another brief on Ben, and way back in October, they were reporting on Flag’s swim team and Ben’s 50m and 100m freestyle prowess. (Which has us thinking: We’d probably pay at least three or four dollars to watch Ben, Sam Ng (’94), and Jon Wilkening (’92) in an aquatic grudge match to determine once and for all whether age and treachery do in fact triumph over youth and skill.)

The East Valley Tribune spilled a little ink on John Ingraham (’08) of Saguaro High, the Ahwatukee Foothill News noted the Desert Vista triumvirate of Kellie Mejdrich (’08), Eric Stout (’08), and Joanna Yang (’08), and the Arizona Republic‘s Gilbert edition did the same for Amy Kaczmarowski (’08) and Mitch Turbenson (’08).

Most comprehensive in its treatment, the statewide edition of the Republic has an article on all 20 new Scholars.

Meanwhile, the Foundation’s web site has posted articles on the incoming class, as well as their Honored Educators and the outgoing Scholars.