We don’t want to imply that other classes of Scholars are slacking, but there’s no denying: That Class of 1997 has it going on.
While Jason Baer (’87) was asking in forlorn tones what happened to the mega-reunions of Scholars that he remembered from Holidays Past, Kimberlly Chhor (’97) was plunging ahead, hatching a Facebook-powered plan with Trisha McMahon (’97) to gather their class, altogether independent of the Foundation, for a December morning of toast and scrambled eggs and chasing barnyard animals at The Farm at South Mountain.
Michael Cochise Young joined the ’97 gang and reported–corroborating the pics now proliferating across the Web–that the reunion brunch was a grand success. Joining the locals were Scholars now living in every time zone in the country.
Makes you wonder if this sorta thing could be replicated by a couple more classes next year… Whaddya say, Mr. Baer?