[Source: PR-USA.net] -CDEX Inc., announces that in inspections with the Island County Public Health Department in Washington, the ID2 Meth Scanner™ identified methamphetamine contamination in buildings, trailers, used cars at a dealership, and a children’s dance studio. In addition, the Scanner found methamphetamine in automobiles voluntarily brought for inspection by local citizens. The ID2 Meth Scanner is a handheld, battery-operated device that quickly detects trace quantities of methamphetamine. The inspections were held during a demonstration of the Meth Scanner which had been requested by Marie Piper, the County’s Environmental Health Specialist. The tests, being confirmed by laboratory analysis, were observed by a number of government officials, methamphetamine remediation experts, and the media, e.g. KOMO Channel 4 in Seattle (http://www.komonews.com/news/local/43074567.html?video=YHI&t=a).
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